Hi Baraza,
I’m a 25-year-old racing enthusiast and I own an old Subaru Legacy. The mileage on the machine is 390,000kms; could this pose any reliability problems? How soon should I start preparing for the car’s demise?
Hi Baraza,
I’m a 25-year-old racing enthusiast and I own an old Subaru Legacy. The mileage on the machine is 390,000kms; could this pose any reliability problems? How soon should I start preparing for the car’s demise?
Hi Baraza, I am an avid reader of your column, thanks to which I have learnt a lot about cars. In 2013 I bought an ex-Japan Peugeot 206 SW. My husband didn’t understand why and how I settled for the car, but I was in love, period. However, after a year, it started overheating, forcing … Read more
Hi Baraza, Kindly look into these two matters: I have noticed quite a number of the dual-exhaust Legacies having their right exhaust broken/missing. Does this imply these models have an inherent body flaw or have the exhaust pieces become hot cakes like Toyota rear-view mirrors? I currently own a Subaru Impreza and am looking to … Read more
Hi Baraza, I have a number of questions, but before I begin you must agree that Subarus are miles ahead of Mitsubishis. Look at this tyranny of machines: Subaru WRS STi may be outdone by the Evo, but the Forester will outdo the Outlander and the Airtrek. So, who is the winner in the ‘majority … Read more
Hey Jim. I want to know more about the Nissan GTR 2012 model. I don’t know the right questions to ask but I’d just like to know whether it is suitable for everyday use? Is it efficient in terms of performance — power, speed and handling? I have seen it on racetracks as well as … Read more
Thanks for your informative articles. Kindly contrast and compare Honda Airwave and any Toyota such as the Toyota Wish. I have seen many Kenyans buy Hondas. I wanted to buy an Airwave but out of the people I talked to, including mechanics, about one out of ten encouraged me. One of my friends who owned … Read more
This is a clarification and a disclaimer. I do not know any female bloggers, much less any who have underlying and/or unresolved issues with drivers of blue Subarus. I did not train, nor did I request any Internet superhero to pick fights with yuppie-grade Six-Star specialists. I did not ask for any help in disparaging … Read more
Hi, I recently bought a second-hand 2006, turbo-charged, 1990cc Subaru Forester LL Bean edition and have noticed a significant change in my budget on fuel (I initially owned a Toyota Allex 2002 with a 1490cc engine). I knew the larger engine size would consume a bit more but the disparity is sizeable. Could it have … Read more
Hi Baraza, You are doing a great job to demystify cars for us, lay people. I’m in a bit of a quandary; I have been driving a superb, go-anywhere-anytime Toyota Prado with an indestructible 1KZ power plant. In the seven years I have driven “the beast”, it has never let me down! Unfortunately, with 250,000km … Read more
Dear Baraza, I have been wondering why you answer questions only from people who drive big and expensive cars? This is the third mail I am sending, although I can already tell you won’t respond – if at all you care to read it. Now to my question: Which small SUV would you go for … Read more