A gel that repairs your worn-out engine? Let me go have a look-see

Hi Baraza, 1) I have a Subaru WRX Impreza with a manual transmission that produces a buzzing noise in Gear 5. What could be the problem? 2) As you might have noticed, I am a diehard Subaru fan and I do not think much about your Evo reviews. I am a keen follower of the … Read more

Don’t drive in Neutral gear, it makes no sense at all

Hello Braza, Thank you very much for your advice on tyre size. It worked perfectly. I have one other question. Somebody advised me to be changing my gear selection to N (Neutral) when going downhill in order to save fuel. Is this true? Does it have any adverse effect on the vehicle, especially when I … Read more

The Land Cruiser ‘VX’ beats the Prado on many fronts

Dear Baraza, I have always wanted to know, what is the difference between a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado and a Toyota Land Cruiser VX based on the usual indicators, that is, on and off road prowess and stability, fuel consumption, availability of spares, purchase price, luggage room, comfort, and so on? Is the Toyota Fortuner … Read more

Manual cars may offer more fuel economy than autos

Hi JM, I have an auto 2002 Forester that I would say is quite economical. My wife bought a five-speed manual 2004 Forester that has nearly the same peak power but is far more economical in terms of fuel consumption. While I spend a thousand bob to Thika and back to Nairobi, she will spend … Read more

Overdrive: Keep it off when overtaking or lugging loads

If there is one thing any columnist tries to avoid, it is repeating oneself. Unfortunately, I will have to do just that this week. I had talked about overdrive earlier, but reader feedback suggests I left a lot of unsatisfied curiosities out there, so we will have to put aside the happy-go-lucky merry-making of test … Read more

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