If you drive an open double-cab, stay under 80kph or face the law

Dear Baraza, In your column last week, you mentioned that the Nissan Pathfinder is a dressed-up Navara. I could not agree more, and this remark reminded me of an experience I had with traffic police officers out to nab motorists exceeding the speed limit just before Naivasha on the Nairobi-Nakuru highway a while back. I … Read more

Manual cars may offer more fuel economy than autos

Hi JM, I have an auto 2002 Forester that I would say is quite economical. My wife bought a five-speed manual 2004 Forester that has nearly the same peak power but is far more economical in terms of fuel consumption. While I spend a thousand bob to Thika and back to Nairobi, she will spend … Read more

If you want to save thousands in fuel costs, stay home

Hello Baraza. Thanks so much for your help in your Wednesday column. I have a new shape Nissan B15 but its seems quite thirsty. Someone told me to change the plugs and buy original ones from dealers. Is this the solution, considering it never misses service? And if so, where do I get them? Is … Read more

Avoid running on ‘E’ all the time, just fill up

Hi Baraza, I have a well-maintained Mitsubishi Lancer Cedia, 1500cc, 2003 model. I often drive it when the low-fuel light is on and the car covers many kilometres before refuelling. What are the implications of driving a car when this light is on for a long period? Another issue is that, whenever, I top up … Read more

Probox: It will kill your image but build your business

Few cars have elicited such varied reactions from the Kenyan public as this one. And far much fewer cars have served as many functions, too. Considering it is vintage (a year 2002 creation), fewer cars are as simply built. From some perspectives, it is a car that makes no sense at all, and from others, … Read more

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