If you’re determined, you can achieve 1 kpl in a Forester

Hi Baraza, Kindly educate me on the following issues: 1. What is the consumption of the Subaru Forester when driving in a normal manner and when driving like you want to fly? 2. What is the cost of the new model of the Volkswagen Passat and can I get a second-hand one? 3. Which among … Read more

A 4WD car doesn’t automatically make you an off-road hotshot

Baraza, I have a Toyota Prado, model KZJ95, which I love as it is a lot of fun to ride in. However, I have two problems which I hope you can help me sort out. The first concerns consumption. The car is a 3.0 diesel and yet it consumes fuel as if crude is going … Read more

How the Probox escaped list of ugliest things

While last week’s article may have been a bit controversial, it did not provoke a post-bag of outrage as sizeable as I may have desired, but there were responses. Suspects were fronted, and disagreement reared its ugly (pun intended) head more than once. Of note was the concord over the Toyota Will’s lack of visual … Read more

Overdrive: Keep it off when overtaking or lugging loads

If there is one thing any columnist tries to avoid, it is repeating oneself. Unfortunately, I will have to do just that this week. I had talked about overdrive earlier, but reader feedback suggests I left a lot of unsatisfied curiosities out there, so we will have to put aside the happy-go-lucky merry-making of test … Read more

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