The Toyota Avensis is just a Premio in high heels

Hi Baraza, I plan to import my first ever-car in the course of this year. My preference is a 1.8-litre Toyota Premio or Avensis, both VVT-i saloons. These two cars seem to cost almost the same and I like their shape. I have heard people say the Avensis’ engine is troublesome and not easy to … Read more

The Forester is okay off-road, just don’t follow a Defender

Hi Baraza, I currently own a Toyota Allion A18 and would like to upgrade to a Forester X20, the non-turbo version. I would like you to compare the two in terms of the following: 1. Fuel consumption. 2. Cost of maintenance. 3. Resale value. Lastly, how hardy is the Forester for off-road use in respect … Read more

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